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Message to Kurdish Community of America

Kurdish Community of America - Kurdish  in Dallas TX

Kurdish Community of America

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Non Profit Cultural
Practice Areas

About Kurdish Community of America

The purpose of the KCA is to advocate to the greater community about the Kurdish people. We do this through; culture events, public speaking and educational information .

The KCA was established on September 9, 2009 after seeing a need for energetic, nonprofit work in the communities we serve. We formed our organization to provide sensible solutions. We've consistently grown since then, all thanks to the helping hands of local, state and national support.

Our mission is to provide educational resources about the Kurdish American community.

We believe education is the key to understanding one another. As an organization our job will be to empower our youth in appreciating their Kurdish American cultural heritage. Our doors are open to the general public in wanting to learn about the Kurdish people.


Primary Office Location

pin 1601 Elm Street, Floor 33 Dallas TX 75201


Social Media

Twitter page for Kurdish Community of America - Kurdish  in Dallas Facebook page for Kurdish Community of America - Kurdish  in Dallas Instagram page for Kurdish Community of America - Kurdish  in Dallas Instagram page for Kurdish Community of America - Kurdish  in Dallas
Message Kurdish Community of America